Agricultural projects are opening doors for relationships and life change in rural Cambodia in 2022.
When KAC visited Cambodia we saw a very real need for proper nutrition and a sustainable way to keep parents with their children while not having to compromise their health and wellbeing and be left to wonder where their next meal will come from.
Regular access to nutritious food is anything but guaranteed in places Kids Across Cultures focuses their work. In Cambodia, many villagers are only able to grow rice during the three months of the rainy season and are not able to grow crops other times of the year. The consequences of this agricultural cycle are profound. Children are malnourished. Parents leave the home to work in factories far away as there is no agricultural work at home for 9 months of the year. This contributes to all of the problems associated with children growing up without the daily supervision of their parents: trafficking, child abuse, neglect, as well as a significant impact on the children’s pursuit of education.
The goal of KAC is to build long-term, sustainable solutions to the issues at hand. By attending agricultural conferences, obtaining land, and teaching the local community how to farm and irrigate their land, we are confident that these villagers will see life change in their own lives and the lives of the generation that follows.